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Spread Love wherever you go

Kindness is one of those little gestures that make days brighter, both for the giver and the receiver. I have always found comfort in being kind to others, even in the simplest actions. A smile, a greeting, a “how are you?” may seem insignificant, but they often have a profound impact. They are small acts that cost nothing, but that bring enormous wealth.

I like to think that every little kindness is a seed of happiness that spreads around us. From holding a door open for those who follow, to giving a coin to someone in need, to giving a smile to someone in need. These gestures not only make others feel better, but they also fill my heart with joy. And more often than not, I realize that, without even wanting to, I have given a smile to someone else.

I remember with particular affection an episode that happened during a visit to a museum in Palermo. As I was leaving, I greeted the ticket inspector who was near the door. He seemed surprised and thanked me with sincere gratitude. He said, “You were the only one who greeted me among those who came out.” Those words struck a chord with me. It was such a simple gesture, almost automatic for me, but for him it made a difference. It reminded me of how powerful a small kindness can be.

Ultimately, I believe the world needs more love and kindness. We shouldn’t expect grand gestures to make a difference; often it’s the simplest actions that leave a mark. As Mother Teresa said:

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

So why not start today? Spread love wherever you go.

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